


readiness, readiness for professional activity, readiness of future education managers to usage of digital technologies, digital technologies, education manager


The article analyzes the history of the use of such terms as "readiness" and "readiness for professional activity" in scientific terminology. A conclusion is drawn about the multifaceted nature of scientists' interpretations of this phenomenon. Based on the terminological analysis, the definition of the concept "readiness of future education managers to the usage of digital technologies" is formulated as a personal property of a specialist, which characterizes their ability to successfully design, implement, and modify the educational process through the use of digital technologies and integrates the desire of the future specialist to use digital technologies to ensure the success of their own professional activity.

The components of the readiness of future education managers to the usage of digital technologies are determined, namely, personal and motivational (determines the focus of the future education manager on future professional activities using digital technologies), cognitive (characterizes the presence of specialized knowledge that forms a theoretical basis for the successful implementation of professional activities using digital technologies), activity (distinguishes specialized skills to use digital technologies to create a digital educational environment), reflective (expresses awareness of one's own professional activity of an education manager, belief in one's own capabilities to manage the educational process by means of digital technologies) components. A conclusion was made about the integrity, interconnectedness and mutual influence of these components.


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