adult education, elderly people, universities of the third age (U3A), age category, educational system, training, digital optimizationAbstract
The article analyzes the foreign experience of founding Universities of the Third Age (U3A), as a prerequisite for the implementation of the activities of U3A in Ukraine. Universities of the third age are identified as the most common form of implementation of the idea of informal education of the elderly, which is aimed at stimulating the activity of the elderly people in various aspects. The main stages of implementation of the idea of functioning of such social institutions at the level of legislative and regulatory framework governing the activity of the educational sector are outlined. Unification of the U3A into groups according to the level of activity both at the state and private level, as well as their cooperation with institutions of higher education are presented. It has been proven that universities of the third age implement the function of educational and cultural hubs for adults aged 50–60+ years. Also, it has been established that, thanks to the wide variety of educational programs and intensive extracurricular activities, U3A are able to ensure the active life of this category of adult population through continuous sustainable education. It is substantiated that through their mediation, the category of the adult population under study has the opportunity not only to acquire new knowledge, abilities, skills and competence, but also to take a direct active part in public life. It was found that universities of the third age function based on corresponding institutional formations, including HEIs, cultural and educational centers, houses of culture, libraries, independent educational institutions, which are perceived as a space for the organization of targeted events, active communication, travel opportunities, which contributes to personal development. It has been proven that U3A have a beneficial effect on socio-intellectual progress, motivate the elderly to physical activity, deepen skills and abilities, optimize the system of interaction within the field of health care and rehabilitation centers, cultural hubs, and environmental activities. It is substantiated that universities of the third age are endowed with a significant functionality in terms of maintaining social ties and active interpersonal communication among older people.
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