online interaction of teachers, primary school, basic school, competenceAbstract
The article describes the online interaction of elementary and basic schoolteachers in the system "teacher – a group of teachers" based on a site that combines thematic training modules in Google Class. The stages of formation of teaching staff research competencies on the example of educational materials, involving the organization of research activities of students involved in inclusive learning. It reflects a single principle of building the content of online training modules, each of which contains theoretical material on the chosen didactic problem; a video demonstrating the practical application of the knowledge gained in practice in the working conditions of an educational institution; Google Forms to test the learned material by each teacher and course coordinator. The features of the organization of professional online interaction of teachers in the system "teacher – group of teachers," including: the possibility of the course coordinator for users of consultative video meeting based on Google meet; establishing feedback between course coordinators and teachers who perform test tasks through the use of Google Forms; combining teachers based on Google Class into a virtual room for practical research tasks based on electronic educational resources. It is noted that the most common among them in the practice of primary and basic schoolteachers are Wizer.me, Learning.aps, Kahoot, wordwall, Liveworksheets, which allow individual online work of the teacher to combine with the group work of all course participants and combine self-learning with mutual learning. The results obtained for experimental and control groups of teachers are analyzed: levels of formation of reflexive, methodical, managerial and communicative factors of their research competencies. Based on the obtained data, it is proved that the online interaction of primary and basic schoolteachers when using Google Class is effective, which is confirmed by high and sufficient levels of formation of research competencies of teachers who were part of the experimental group.
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