spirituality, morality, Jewish schooling, charity, Volhynia, Haskalah, TzedakahAbstract
The article substantiates the place and role of charity as a spiritual and moral factor in the development of Jewish education in Volhynia in the nineteenth century. The main legislative foundations for the development of Jewish education in Volhynia in the nineteenth century, which was at that time within the "settlement area", are established. It is concluded that the philanthropic tradition has always occupied a significant place in the spiritual and moral life of the Jewish community. It is concluded that the philanthropic tradition has always occupied a significant place in the spiritual and moral life of the Jewish community. One of the central commandments governing the world in the Jewish religious tradition was Tzedakah, a concept that translates as "justice", "donation" or "charity". The main types of charitable societies in the Jewish community of Volhynia are identified: Jewish city charitable societies, charitable organizations, citywide charitable societies and organizations. The author formulates a conclusion about the role and significance of Haskalah as a spiritual and moral concept and educational approach based on the integration of Jewish education into the imperial educational space, as well as on the participation of Jews in the development of universal culture. In this context, the activity of the Haskalah clubs, which were funded mainly by charitable contributions, are discussed. The role of charitable support as a spiritual and moral factor in the development of Talmud Torahs, Beit Midrash, Jewish elementary schools and the Zhytomyr Rabbinical school is also noted.
The conclusion that Jewish schooling in Volhynia in the nineteenth century had its spiritual and moral basis in the form of the religion of Judaism and the traditional moral foundations of the Jewish community of the region is made. It is substantiated that Jewish education in the Volhynia education system in the nineteenth century performed both an integrative and a socio-cultural mission to preserve the ethno-cultural potential of the Jewish community in the conditions of the introduced "settlement area". It is substantiated that Judaism as a religious basis for the content of education in Jewish schools of Volhynia relied on charity as a necessary component of the socio-cultural development of Beit Midrash, Jewish schools, Talmud Torahs, the Rabbinical school and Jewish teacher's institute in Volhynia in the nineteenth century.
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