methodology of scientific research, information boom, artificial intelligence, telecommunications technologies, digital generation, digitalization of educational space, , academic integrity, media education, information theoryAbstract
The article presents theoretical and practical aspects of digitalization of educational space. The negative and positive consequences of the mentioned process are analyzed in their dialectical unity using an interdisciplinary approach. Artificial intelligence technologies are considered in relation to the digitalization of the educational space of Ukraine, and the problem of academic integrity in the context of the mentioned process is also analyzed. One of the most important problems of the use of artificial intelligence and other intelligent digital systems in the educational branch is actualized, which is related to the possibility of replacing the teacher with artificial intelligence.
The theoretical foundations of the research are the principles and ideas that can be found in the 2021 National Report of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the state and prospects for the development of education in Ukraine, as well as in the "Beijing Consensus" of UNESCO, within the framework of which the papers on "International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education" (2019) were published. Both the concept of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres and the information theory in some of its modifications have been also used to solve the problems actualized in the article.
It has been found that the risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence are becoming important, related to the possible loss of jobs due to automation, the spread of deep fakes, privacy violations, algorithmic bias, socio-economic inequality, volatility, i.e. the instability of the market, the uncontrolled process of the possible formation of artificial self-awareness of the artificial intelligence.
The solutions of the mentioned problems require an integral effort of legal professionals, policymakers, technology experts, and educators, who are to work together to create lucid artificial intelligence rules and policies that balance innovations and protect the rights of stakeholders.
In the context of the problem of academic integrity, the development of the proposed software related to the algorithms for analyzing the uniqueness of texts can be considered as a prospect for solving the problem.
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