health, health promotion, health preservation, younger schoolchildren, motor game technologiesAbstract
The article deals with the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of younger schoolchildren based on current legal framework (Laws of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports", "On the Public Health System", the National Doctrine for the Development of Education and Physical Culture and Sports, Basic Guidelines education of students of grades 1-11 of general educational institutions). The special importance of the problem under discussion is emphasized in regard to the specific features of the selected age group, since it is during this period of life that the foundations of a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle are laid, including the formation of the understanding of the value of health, as well as development of the skills and abilities aimed at preserving health are. The importance of all components of health (physical, social, spiritual, mental) for its strengthening and preservation is highlighted. Based on the research conducted, the authors conclude that the foundation for the full-fledged development of a junior high school student is their physical health. The basic factor in maintaining physical health is identified as follows: compliance with the regime of motor activity. In order to solve the task of preserving the health of primary school students in terms of increasing the level of their motor activity, it is proposed to create a single health-preserving space in educational institutions, which, according to the authors, ensures the development of the individual taking into account their physiological and intellectual peculiarities, the level of satisfaction of their needs and availability of the opportunities for systematic use of motor game technologies. The characteristics of motor game technologies as a means of implementing health-preserving processes are presented. Motion-based game technologies, which are actively used by elementary school teachers to preserve and strengthen the health of students in accordance with the objectives of health-preserving doctrine within the components of the health-preserving space of the elementary school are systematized. Examples of the use of motor game technologies used to improve the health of younger schoolchildren are given. A conclusion was made about the perspective of using theoretical and practice-oriented experimental data for the development and implementation of the educational component "Organization of a health-preserving environment in primary school" in the process of professional and pedagogical training of future primary school teachers, which contains two modules: "Organization and methods of conducting physical culture and health activities in the routine of a junior high school student" and "Organization of extracurricular health activities of elementary school students", which take into account the developed theoretical and practical provisions.
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