


competence, competence approach, humanization, pedagogy, individualization, adaptive educational and developmental environment, pedagogy of higher education, Master of Education, teacher


The article analyzes the concept of "competence", reveals the essence of the competence approach to the training of future teachers of higher and vocational pre-higher education in the process of studying higher school pedagogy. The interrelationship of the concepts of competence, competency, readiness of a master's degree graduate (a future teacher of higher and vocational pre-higher education) is considered. Competence of a Master of Education is defined as the ability to use knowledge, skills and abilities, personal qualities, attributes and experience in specific practical activities, as well as to be responsible for one's duties. Competence is considered as a range of attributes and requirements for a teacher at a higher education institution. Mastery of competencies by the future Master of Education ensures the implementation of a number of competencies that meet the requirements for professional activity and the fulfillment of the teacher’s responsibilities and duties. The result of pedagogical training of specialists should be the readiness for innovative pedagogical activity, which is interpreted as a complex dynamic personal multi-component education, which includes a target component (professional-pedagogical orientation); basic (pedagogical abilities); operational (competencies). The main directions of implementation of the competence approach are characterized, which include: humanization, pedagogy, individualization, creation of an adaptive educational and developmental environment, activation of the educational and cognitive activity of applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education, increasing the level of responsibility for choosing a teaching profession and performing the functions of a higher education teacher and vocational pre-higher education; the content of each direction is revealed in the context of the modernization of pedagogical training of higher education graduates – master's students in the conditions of transformation, digitalization of Ukrainian society and education. Some aspects of the introduction of modern innovative technologies, implementation of interdisciplinary ties in the teaching of pedagogical disciplines are reflected.


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