professional standard, out-of-school teacher, out-of-school education institution, professional competencies, labor functionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the implementation of labor functions and professional competencies of the teacher of out-of-school education. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to reform and modernize the out-of-school education sector in the context of transformational processes in Ukraine. The article analyzes scientific sources on the experience of the USA and EU countries in the study of this issue. In particular, emphasis is placed on the need to develop competencies in the field of transformational leadership, intercultural interaction, ICT, pedagogical diagnostics, and prognostics among out-of-school teachers. The legal framework for the functioning of out-of-school education in Ukraine and the requirements for the activities of out-of-school education institutions are outlined. The essence of the professional standard of the out-of-school teacher as a system of requirements for their competencies is considered. The personal qualities and professional competencies of the teacher of an out-of-school educational institution are characterized, in particular: transformative, communicative, and value-oriented components. The components of a teacher's readiness to work in an out-of-school institution are determined: motivational, cognitive, affective, and activity-based. The importance of the psychological competence of the teacher as a factor of suitability for work in an out-of-school institution is emphasized. A classification of the characteristics of the activity of a teacher of an out-of-school education institution according to the criteria of content, form, and structure is proposed. Promising areas of further scientific research are outlined, in particular: adaptation and approbation of effective models for the formation of competencies of out-of-school teachers, development of innovative technologies for their professional development, conducting comparative studies and substantiating the conceptual foundations for modernizing the system of professional training of out-of-school teachers, taking into account progressive foreign experience and the requirements of the modern information society in the context of paradigmatic changes in education.
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