


teacher of Ukrainian language, head of a general education institution, acmeological competence, management of teachers’ creative potential development, non-formal education, management model, subjects and objects, dynamics of personality transformation


The article deals with the problem of forming the creative potential of teachers, and identifies the main conditions for its development. The importance of this topic lies in the context of modern requirements for the quality of education services and the need to form competitive specialists is substantiated.

The article analyzes the scientific literature on marketing management and management of the development of teachers’ creative potential in the system of general secondary education, philosophical, cultural and social nature of personality in the context of its formation, etc.

It is noted that creative potential is a dynamic state of a reflective attitude towards oneself as a self-creative personality and one’s behavior in professional activities in accordance with the comprehension of pedagogical values and interaction with others.

The article identifies a number of contradictions that affect the development of teachers’ creative potential, in particular: between tasks and results, efforts and results, personal dissatisfaction and the search for effective methods of teaching and education.

The peculiarities of managing the development of the creative potential of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature, their creative activity in modern conditions are clarified.

The article reveals the essence of quality management by introducing a model for managing the development of creative potential of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature in education institutions. The main purpose of this management is to predict, analyze and forecast further development (of a specific situation, creative development of teachers, education institution), efficiency and their competitiveness. It is determined that in order to manage quality, the manager needs the ability to work with people, to significantly change quality management due to the high level of creative potential of the individual and interpersonal and technical skills of quality management of this development, teachers’ readiness for creative activity. Considering strengths and weaknesses and analyzing threats posed by the external environment, the manager determines a combined strategy for the GEI that leads to success.

The article presents the results of the study of aspects of managing the development of creative potential of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, professional transformation as a way of adaptation in non-formal education.

The article may be useful for scholars, heads of general education institutions, teachers in particular of the Ukrainian language and literature and students.


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