educational difficulties, category of learning difficulties, support, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dysmusia, dyspraxia, dyspensiaAbstract
The article outlines the regulatory framework (Regulations on the Inclusive Resource Center (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, July 21, 2021, No. 765 (Appendix 4)) according to which a typology of categories of learning difficulties has been established, namely: intellectual, physical, physiological, educational, socio-adaptive. It is outlined that the concept of "difficulties" is related to one or several types of activities that are included in the "learning" category. Author’s own classification of the studied category is proposed and disclosed in detail according to the type of activity in which the child feels the need for help or facilitation of the task: dyslexia, which implies presence of the issues with reading; dyscalculia, which includes difficulties with arithmetic; dysmusia, which deals with the issue of mastering notes; dyspraxia, which deals with the motor mobility issues: dyspensia, which includes problems regarding producing/dealing with the visual arts. The issue of appearance of the above-mentioned problems has been studied, namely the concept of neurodiversity (neurological variations that must be respected and recognized). Research of British scholars indicates that learning difficulties are genetic in nature, thus the probability of inheriting them from parents varies from 20 to 40%. Scientists from Germany, USA, Czech Republic, Italy, and Austria have characterized the peculiarities of each type of learning difficulties and their major indicators. Moreover, researchers from different countries unanimously state that difficulties with a specific type of activity persist even in adulthood, but the degree of their manifestation will depend on properly organized educational support in childhood (primary and secondary school), as well as on the well-chosen corrective classes and measures. Therefore, an important condition for the progressive professional activity of a teacher in the process of their preparation for the support of a child with learning difficulties lies in the process of acquiring corresponding educational competencies.
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