inclusive education, competence, professional competence, inclusive competence, children with special educational needs (SEN), inclusive resource center, training of future primary school teachersAbstract
The article highlights the preparation of primary school teachers to work in inclusive classes. The development of inclusive competence, which includes knowledge of inclusive pedagogy, psychology and corresponding medical aspects, as well as the formation of empathy, communication skills and organizational abilities, are identified as the ones of primary importance.
Updating the content of educational programs and practical classes are key to ensuring quality training of future teachers. A teacher's professional competence includes pedagogical flexibility, knowledge of special methods, differentiation skills, continuous professional development and legal literacy. These aspects are critically important for successful work in the conditions of inclusive education and effective preparation of teachers for modern challenges of the educational system. Separately, the author considered theoretical approaches to the professional training of teachers, in particular, the competence approach and its influence on the modernization of educational programs.
The article emphasizes the dependence of the effectiveness of the educational process on the professional training of teachers, who must consider the age and individual characteristics of students, as well as ensure the adaptation of the educational process in accordance with new challenges. The role of inclusive education and the importance of relevant competencies in the preparation of teachers to work in inclusive classes are investigated.
The author analyzed modern educational programs and training practices of future primary school teachers, in particular, noted the flaws in existing practices and the need to improve curricula to ensure effective training in conditions of inclusion. Emphasis is placed on the importance of acquiring key competencies such as professional social adaptability, empathy and communication skills. It was determined that the "Fundamentals of Inclusive Pedagogy" course has a special role in training, which should cover both theoretical and practical aspects of working with children with special educational needs.
The article offers ways to improve educational programmes and teacher training practices to ensure their readiness to work in the conditions of inclusive education, focusing on the need to integrate new educational components and focuses.
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