frames, foreign language teaching, concept, cognitive, congratulatory texts, essayAbstract
The article raises the issue of implementing the frame hypothesis in foreign language teaching methods. The necessity of using frames and the frame approach in teaching essays and congratulatory texts, as well as creating own texts is emphasized. It is proved that the frame approach is becoming increasingly popular in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The definitions of frames and their aspects in the works of foreign scientists who laid the foundations of this scientific direction are considered. The features of a frame are highlighted. It is established that a frame is a conceptual structure for the declarative representation of knowledge about a thematic situation, which contains slots interconnected by thematic relations. The emphasis is placed on the need to link frame scenarios with the most typical issues that are usually associated with situations. It is noted that the use of a text frame allows students to present the results of their research and describe the process of working on their projects quite concisely. Attention is focused on the need to develop writing skills for communicative purposes. The algorithm for learning to write ordinary and academic essays, as well as congratulatory texts, is described in detail. The advantages of writing an academic essay are revealed. The author emphasizes that the ability to compose congratulatory texts brings individual cognitive meanings to the speech act. It is stressed that the training frame models the learning situation on the material of the discipline and allows you to effectively form students' lexical and grammatical speech skills. It also helps to learn the basic information of the topic, develops skills in all types of speech activities, and increases motivation to learn.
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