


foreign language learning, cooperative Learning, professional foreign language communicative competence


The cooperative learning method has long been known worldwide and is widely used by leading universities and schools. In the USA, the cooperative learning method was started by D. Johnson, R. Johnson, and R. Slavin in the 1980s. There is also much evidence of the successful use of this method in Asian and African countries. Many websites have been created, such as,, and others designed to help teachers learn and improve cooperative learning techniques. The importance of introducing the cooperative learning method into the higher education system consists of forming critical social skills and abilities in graduates, among which is teamwork. Many international and domestic studies have shown that tasks performed in a team are of higher quality, are performed faster, and require less costs than those performed alone. In Ukraine, employees of state institutions and private firms do not have enough skills to work in a team and jointly perform tasks and solve problems. Cooperative Learning aims to remedy this problem as students and future professionals gain valuable skills in communication and teamwork to complete tasks. The article seeks to investigate the effectiveness of using the cooperative learning method in teaching a professionally oriented foreign language to students of higher education institutions. The cooperative learning method involves dividing pupils or students into groups whose goal is to learn new material or new skills. A group of students is given a specific task or problem, which they must solve independently or with the help of a teacher. It was determined that the cooperative learning method is quite effective in studying a foreign language by students of higher education institutions. However, in addition to the advantages of this method, there are also disadvantages and problems in its implementation in the educational process. It has been demonstrated that cooperative Learning of a foreign language is practical, engaging, and motivating for students. Students will better assimilate educational materials and acquire practical skills using this method. Based on students' feedback, practical recommendations on the implementation of the method of cooperative Learning in the process of learning a foreign language are proposed.


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