primary school age, children with special educational needs, inclusive resource center, inclusive education, inclusive learning, inclusive classAbstract
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of organizing inclusive education for children with special educational needs (SEN) who study in primary school in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School (NUS).
The basic laws that ensure the inclusion of children SEN in the educational process in the conditions of a general secondary education institution, considering their characteristics and individual needs, are analyzed.
It is noted that one of the obstacles to the full inclusion of a child in the educational process is the insufficient level of development of the necessary competencies of primary education teachers in the field of inclusion, namely: incomplete, unsystematized ideas about the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of children with special educational needs; insufficient mastery of psychological methods and techniques of pedagogical communication with such children; lack of formed skills and abilities in selecting methods and techniques of working with children with special educational needs; imperfection of the tools that ensure the effectiveness of inclusive education; knowledge about ensuring the comfort and adaptation of the child to school.
The main stages of organizing an inclusive educational environment in a general secondary education institution are identified. They includes four stages: motivation (the child's desire to study in a specific general secondary education institution), organization (actions of the head of the general secondary education institution), psychological and pedagogical support (creation of a team of psychological and pedagogical support) and implementation (creation of an inclusive educational environment, selection of methods and techniques for implementing inclusive education).
The information presented in the article will help in the process of designing a high-quality and comfortable educational process for children with special educational needs in primary school in the conditions of the NUS.
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