


teaching Polish, innovative methods, innovative forms, teaching platforms, innovative technologies, teaching a foreign language in higher education institutions


The study examines the problem of implementing innovation in higher education institutions in the field of teaching Polish, in particular, the focus is on the features, methods, forms, digital platforms, applications and technologies that can be used in teaching foreign languages in higher education. Analysing teaching methods and their modern modification, it is necessary to pay attention to the intensification of learner-centred methods, so the authors present the dominant aspects and challenges of today's foreign language learning, emphasising that the introduction of innovative methods in the educational process not only diversifies educational activities, but also helps to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities more effectively. The expansion of the traditional approach to teaching Polish was caused by the social and historical events of recent years: the COVID-19 pandemic, when the transition to distance learning was forced, the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which called into question the possibility of carrying out the educational process in some regions. The relevance of studying the chosen topic is absolutely determined by modern historical and social events and requirements for representatives of the philological field. The article presents an overview of platforms that can help to organise the educational process competently, analyses the most popular platforms for learning Polish and teaching it to students of higher education institutions of philological faculties. The article also systematises and summarises information on modern methods of teaching foreign languages, in particular Polish, describes the author's methods – V. Broniarko's method, L. Shkutnyk's method, Z. Brzeszkiewicz's method; factors contributing to the effective mastery of Polish (foreign) languages are presented.


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