



educational difficulties, younger schoolchildren, category of learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dysmusia, dyspraxia


The article highlights the importance of implementing inclusive education due to the modernization of concepts of education. The normative framework is outlined, which is the basis of the typology of educational difficulties, according to which they are divided into five categories: intellectual, educational, physical, functional and socio-adaptive. The place of the category of "learning difficulties" in the general system is investigated. It is determined that the level of study of the outlined problem in Ukraine is insufficient, and some aspects have practically not been studied, unlike foreign countries, where learning difficulties have been studied at different levels for many years. Based on data from the British Dyslexia Association and research by foreign scientists, a table has been developed to classify the category of learning difficulties according to the type of activity in which the child feels the need for help (dyslexia – in the process of reading, dyscalculia – in arithmetic, dysgraphia – in writing, dyspraxia – in voluntary motor activity, dysmusia – in musical notation). An analysis of the key features of each type of these indicators has been conducted: a brief description, main features, the child's individual needs, the difference between learning and intellectual difficulties. Possible socio-adaptive difficulties have been considered as secondary manifestations of learning difficulties. An analysis of research by scientists from different countries has revealed a high probability of increased anxiety, manifestations of aggression, depression, etc. in children of the specified category, which justifies the importance of implementing a personal approach in educational activities. Foreign scientists claim that such features as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and others do not disappear in adulthood, but successfully planned and implemented corrective work will help to reduce their manifestations. The quality of this activity depends on the level of awareness of pedagogical workers in issues related to working with children with learning difficulties.


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