management of educational innovations, educational changes, strategic planning, adaptation of innovations, monitoring of implementation, challenges in education, management principles, management functions, professional development of teachers, integration of knowledgeAbstract
The article discusses the key aspects of the theoretical basis for managing innovation processes in education. It is determined that the activities of educational institutions in the new socio-economic conditions require the creation of effective management mechanisms that would ensure the integration of innovations into the educational process and contribute to improving the quality of education. Various mechanisms that facilitate the integration of new technologies and methods into the educational process are considered. Attention is focused on the importance of a systematic approach to the introduction of innovations, which allows to ensure their effectiveness and sustainability in the educational process. One of the key points is also the professional development of personnel and cooperation with scientific institutions for the successful implementation of innovations.
A detailed analysis of the main approaches to defining educational innovations is carried out, which allows to realize their place in the educational process. The basic principles of management of educational innovations are analyzed, among which the principles of organized changes, consciously managed processes and information support are distinguished.
The article pays special attention to conceptual management models, which include strategic planning, adaptation of innovations to local conditions and monitoring of their implementation. The criteria for effective management of educational innovations are flexibility, integrative and result-oriented. These criteria are key to ensuring the successful implementation of innovations in the management of educational innovations. The functions of educational innovation management, such as planning, organization, control and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation implementation, are revealed. It has been determined that the management of educational innovations is a complex and multifaceted process that requires consideration of socio-economic, cultural and organizational factors.
The main challenges faced by the heads of educational institutions in the process of implementing innovations, such as resistance to change on the part of the teaching staff, insufficient training and lack of resources, are revealed, and ways to overcome them are proposed. The theoretical foundations of educational innovation management can serve as a basis for further research in this area, in particular in the context of adapting to modern challenges in the education system.
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