theoretical training, self-study, students’ cognitive activity, practical work, laboratory work, theoretical foundations of electrical power engineering, workbook, experimental assessmentAbstract
The curricula of higher education institutions that train specialists in the field of electrical power engineering, envisage mastering a certain list of competences, achieving program results, which allow to solve specialized practical problems, the solution of which is unlikely without the use of theoretical basis and methods of physical, natural, social and economic sciences. The modern engineer must possess the certain set of knowledge and skills that allow him or her to theoretically anticipate, substantiate and determine particular tasks, situations, problems. The topical issue of modern higher education is the preparation of a competitive in the labor market specialist, who is able to combine the theoretical knowledge gained with practical skills, who can design a detailed model of the sequences of required actions and tasks, as well as to justify the choice of a particular equipment and toolsets. However, the excessive amount of data that influences the modern young individual in one way or another does not allow him/her to concentrate his/her work in the necessary direction in order to determine priorities, including choosing and studying a particular course. Recently, a young person is not always aware of the need to perform the types of tasks envisaged in the curriculum, thus, treating the overall educational process lightheadedly without real-life industrial conditions proper simulation and analysis. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the teacher is to assist the student in combining theory with practice, in order to give impetus to independent actions, stimulating them to actively perform cognitive and research activities.
The article deals with the problem of close combination of laboratory work with practical investigation in order to increase their joint efficiency. The combination of theory and practice that occurs in the laboratory during the laboratory procedures involves the activation of students' cognitive activity, the provision of specific nature of the learned material at lectures and independent work, facilitating detailed and deeper assimilation of educational information. At the same time, the compliance of laboratories with the requirements of technical aesthetics and ergonomics, methodological substantiation of laboratory and practical classes will contribute to the education of students in the sphere of culture of work, which will also positively affect the quality of students' educational and cognitive activity, as well as their practical training. Our research offers a technique for improving laboratory work by introducing experimental verification of the results obtained during independent work.References
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Copyright (c) 2020 A. P. Voinytskyi, I. V. Nezdvetska, G. S. Logvinov, V. V. Melnychuk

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