content and language integrated learning (CLIL), educational process, a special subject, a foreign language, English for special purposes (ESP), the teaching processAbstract
The article deals with the role of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) for students of non-linguistic specialties in higher educatioal institutions. The content and specifics of CLIL implementation technology in Ukraine, as well as the necessary conditions for organization of the educational process using this methodology are considered. The article shows that the construction of methodological work within CLIL while learning a foreign language has two goals: the study of a special subject and the simultaneous study of a foreign language, in the process of which the special subject content is its educational material.
The main focus is on the study of the essence, content and technology of implementation of CLIL in Ukrainian universities, as well as on determining the necessary conditions for the organization of the educational process in the framework of using this technique. It is stressed in the article that in the modern world, the role of English, which is considered the lingua franca of business communication in the world, is growing significantly, therefore, the article emphasizes that the key to successful professional activity of any specialist is the study of the discipline "English for special purposes" (ESP) which is included into the university curriculum in Ukraine.
The article identifies the contradiction between the social need for foreign language proficiency of university graduates and the traditional methodological technologies by which this is realized. In order to eliminate this contradiction, the CLIL methodology has recently been successfully used. Two basic principles of organizing CLIL work – co-creation of new knowledge and depth, significance and relevance of the information to be remembered − are highlighted in the article. As an example, the article presents a system of tasks in the process of implementing integrated teaching with a description of the interconnected components of the educational process.References
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