master’s students, business communication culture, technology, the humanitiesAbstract
The article deals with the results of the theoretical and methodological research of the issue of the formation of business communication culture of master students while studying the humanities in agrarian universities. Because of humanization of higher education nowadays, there is an urgent need to improve the professional training of agrarian master students, especially its cultural and communicative components. Therefore, the problem of the development of the appropriate pedagogical technology becomes important in the system of professional training of agrarian master students. The aim of the article is to work out and describe the technology of the formation of business communication culture of agrarian master students while studying the humanities in Ukrainian universities.
On the basis of the analysis of the current scientific sources the authors have identified the concept of the technology of the formation of business communication culture of agrarian master students while studying the humanities. This term refers to an organization of the purposeful, structural, integral and learner-centered process of the formation of motivation, values, knowledge and skills that provide students with an advanced level of business communication culture. This technology consists of such blocks as planning (purpose, tasks, principles and approaches); content (development of motivation and values; a complex of basic skills and knowledge); organization and methods (stages); reflection and result.
The course "Business Communication Culture for Agrarian Master Students’ is a significant stage in the process of the formation of business communication culture of agrarian master students, since it improves the humanitarian training of agrarian specialists and extends students" knowledge of communication psychology and business etiquette.References
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