


Ukrainian as a foreign language, interactive method of studying, foreign medical student, professionally-communicative competency


Within the article, the content of concepts "method of studying" and "interactive studying" has been found out. Scientific investigations of occurrence of separate interactive methods of studying have been analyzed in both foreign and domestic didactics, as well as role of each method has been described in formation and establishment of lingual personality, including a foreign medical student. It has been mentioned, that method of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language – is the way of realization of educational, developing and disciplinary aim of studying, that is directed into organization of efficient educational process, which main task is achievement of the desired result. Main interactive methods of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language have been characterized at medical institution of higher education, namely: method of business-like game, method of brain-storm, method of educational discussions, method of training exercises, method of blended studying, case-method, thesaurus-method. It has been noticed that none of the mentioned methods are universal ones, that’s why only the complex of distinguished methods will promote achievement of the aim and tasks of educational process, in particular, mastering of Ukrainian language by foreign medical students. It has been emphasized, that selection of methods of studying of Ukrainian as a foreign language by medical students depends on chosen approaches and principles of studying of the discipline, specificity of theoretical and practical material, that must be assimilated by a foreign student during studying at institution of higher education, as well as on pedagogical mastery and experience of a teacher’s work, conditions of implementation of educational process, available informative-communicative means of studying, etc. The focus is on that presented methods of studying from the investigation are efficient only under condition of their integrated implementation into educational process, as each definite method is directed into formation of certain practical skills and abilities of a subject of studying, which are key components of professionally-communicative competency of a foreign student as a future highly-qualified and competitive specialist of medical branch.


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