


bilingual education, lingual interference and transferring, educational environment, cultural competence, communication skills, language functions


Current article is dedicated to such types of bilingualism as the coordinating and subordinated, pure and mixed, their substantial didactic potential, as well as the necessary conditions for bilingual capacity realization through creating a functional environment. Authors of the research have studied theories and concepts of bilingualism, organizational experience of bilingual and multilingual education, along with linguistic directions, determining bilingualism basically as the ability to communicate with two languages. Due to the methodological background of our research, which is composed of the outcomes of the analytic-synthetic examination of scientific-methodological works, logic methods of notions analyzing, methodological modelling, surveys results and experts’ evaluations, we succeeded in identifying general concepts of the question and developing the methodological system for delivering new foreign language knowledge to bilingual students.

Basic principles of bilingual education have been released, they included: didactic cultural rationality, problem-searching and problematic forms of education, priority of teaching cooperation through education and self-education, integration and interactivity of modelling multicultural bilingual education, didactic cooperation of traditional pedagogics and individuality-focused education, consideration of the educational rights of a person while modelling cultural training environment. Specifications of functional usage of native and new languages have been scrutinized. The cases of the interference, rising in the process of studying a second foreign language in the conditions of multilingualism, have been analyzed. Most frequent and possible mistakes of the respondents-leaners have been classified. Consequently, it has been concluded that the whole bilingual learning process ought to be composed in order to transfer communicative skills of the native and the first foreign language to the second one.


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