


professional health, pedagogical conditions, pedagogical staff, pedagogical process, maintaining good health, self-preservation, recreation, specialists, preschool educational institution


The article highlights the problem of maintaining teachers’ good professional health in preschool educational institutions by means of creating effective pedagogical conditions, as it affects the development of the health-maintaining competence of children in preschools and becomes the basis for the health of the future nation. It outlines the scientific essence of pedagogical conditions, namely organizational-pedagogical, social-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical ones, which are created purposefully and implemented in the educational environment aiming to maintain teachers’ professional health. It describes the content of motivational, cognitive, activity, emotional and reflexive components of pedagogical conditions.

The article gives brief analysis of such relevant conceptual categories as "professional health", "pedagogical conditions", "maintaining good health", "self-preservation", "recreation".

It stresses the importance of recreational activity, as a form of spare-time activities and a certain social phenomenon related to the reproduction and development of physical, neuro-mental, spiritual and intellectual capacities of the individual.

In general context the article describes the essence of self-preservation, which consists in developing a conscious and caring attitude to a person’s own health and its self-preservation on the basis of a recreational approach, as the teachers’ health is one of the factors of efficiency and an indicator of the quality of professional activity.

It proves the necessity to actualize the problem of maintaining good health because its most important determinant is a healthy lifestyle that combines four of its basic components, namely: physical, mental, spiritual and social health.

It organizes the pedagogical process in preschools according to sectors, as it provides the gradual submission of theoretical and practical material.

The article presents a set of methodological and informational measures aiming at encouraging teachers to maintain good personal health and to develop positive inner motivation.


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