


physical therapy, physical exercise, health saving, physical and health technologies, professional knowledge, professional skills, professional activity, readiness, formation of readiness


The leading role in addressing public health belongs to physical therapy specialists, the purpose of professional activity of which is the comprehensive restoration of the functional state of the person by means of physical and health technologies. Mastering such technologies is one of the components of the professional training of these specialists in the process of educational activity. The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the content of the "readiness of future physical therapy specialists for professional activity" concept as a whole and the application of fitness and health technologies in their professional activity, in particular, which is to acquire relevant vocational and professional knowledge of psychological, pedagogical and medical-biological direction, as well as the skills needed to perform successfully the functions and solving problems in the process of implementation of physical and health activities working with different age and nosological groups; the essence of physical and health technologies is revealed and their role in the professional activity of the future physical therapy specialist is determined. It has been found out that physical exercises and their complexes, which are used in various forms of physical and health technologies, are the main means of influencing the body’s functional capabilities in order to prevent malfunctions, improve health and maximize the recovery of impaired functions of the human body. Formation of professional readiness is an integral part of the comprehensive training of the future specialist. Formation of professional readiness is an integral part of the comprehensive training of the future specialist. In our study the essence of the concept "readiness of future physical therapy specialist to implementation of physical and health technologies in professional activity" is interpreted as a "complex dynamic personal formation that provides ongoing implementation of physical and health professional activity and includes mastery of special education and related physical means, techniques and methods of their use", thus, we assume that the psychological qualities required by a physical therapy specialist are the basis of professional self-improvement. According to the results of the survey, the training of the future physical therapy specialist to implementation of physical and health professional activity should be carried out using the latest technologies, methods, educational innovations, the domestic and foreign experience. Prospects for further research are to substantiate the structure of the formation of future physical therapy specialists to implementationof physical and health technologies in professional activity. 


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