


historiography, historic and pedagogical process, creative pedagogical civilizations, pedagogical cultures, fractal-hologram modeling, universal dialectical model of world pedagogy and education development, systems analysis, triadic dialectical model of development of any phenomenon


The purpose of the research is to build a universal dialectical model simulating the development of world pedagogy and education. The urgency of this task stems, on the one hand, from the system crisis of human civilization, and, on the other hand, from the need in building new educational meanings and methods enabling to overcome the crises.

The research methods are based on theoretical and methodological procedure of analyzing the problem field of the research by moving from the general to the specific, that is, from theoretical aspects of the problem field to its practical aspects. One more used method is fractal-holographic modeling that helps to unify the processes of pedagogy and education development on local and global historic levels. The extrapolation procedure of system-theoretical reduction and simplification of the analyzed phenomena is also used, since the systems analysis is a means of combating complexity, a means of finding the simple in the complex.

The universal models of pedagogy and education development on local and global levels are built. So, the results of the research, which reveal its scientific novelty, indicate that the unfolding of the studied dynamic phenomena can be represented as a single invariant process, which is simulated by a universal dialectical model, unifying this process due to the mechanism of fractal-holographic nesting of the stages of the development of any educational phenomenon. Thus, the understanding of unfolding the educational and pedagogical phenomena in historical context as certain invariant algorithmic dialectical process has been reached. Prospective directions for the study of these educational and pedagogical phenomena may be the researches focusing on more differentiated analysis of the problem field of the research. 


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