


nurse, professional training, educational and training program, syllabus, professional nurse standard


The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of national and Polish experience in reforming the training of nurses. The analysis of the modern professional model of nursing in Poland and Ukraine is carried out, the common and distinctive features are distinguished. The challenges of modern society necessitate the renewal of the nursing professional model. Compliance with the requirements for maintaining and improving the health of each patient requires changes in the organization, structure, and nursing tasks. The functions of the nurse are changing – he or she is not only the performer of tasks assigned to the doctor, but also a partner in the medical process: collects anamnesis, identifies problems of the patient, can independently monitor, treat certain groups of patients (for example, in hospices, homes or nursing units, medical institutions for chronic patients and others). These changes should be reflected in training.

Based on analytical and comparative methods, the main characteristics of the training of such specialists in the medical field were determined. The specifics of the model of professional training of nurses in Poland and Ukraine were clarified, the characteristics of the organization of the educational process were conducted; the legal base, curricula, educational and teaching support of teaching the disciplines are analyzed, common and distinct aspects in the allocation of teaching hours for the study of different disciplines, carrying out educational and industrial practices are determined. In general, foreign experience has shown that in the professional training of the nurse practical training in medical institutions takes much more hours than in Ukraine and it passes by the method of "sandwich", that is, during two or three days students are in theoretical and practical classes in the educational institution, after that, they work on improving their skills in a medical establishment under the guidance of a mentor appointed by the administration of this establishment.

The importance of creating a syllabus for teaching subjects in the training of nurses is outlined. Examples of the experience of positively solving certain problems of reforming nursing education are given. Based on the analysis of the positive experience of Poland, the possibility and necessity of introducing a system of measures aimed at improving the national professional training of nurses is substantiated.


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