Education quality management at a medical education establishment based on an innovative approach




quality of education, management, conceptual approaches, innovations, higher medical education.


The article proves the necessity of medical education reform in accordance with the government approved strategy for the development of medical education. The highlighted problems are: education quality management at a medical education establishment; the improvement of a management system based on an innovative approach; implementation of feedback through the introduction of monitoring studies. The basic concepts "quality", "quality of educational activity", "educational innovation" are analyzed and specified. The basic conceptual approaches to quality management of educational activity (situational, system, process, synergetic, practical, reflexive, innovative) are determined. The model of an innovative development of a higher medical education institution is presented, consisting of the 3 main stages conception, implementation and usage. The analysis of theoretical and practical training is made. The analysis of innovative methods (fishbone, scribing, collective-group training and situational modeling, combination of classroom and extracurricular training with professional activity, etc.) is made. It was emphasized that an important element of the implementation of the model of innovation development is to determine the level of motivation and readiness for innovations among the senior management of the institution, scientific and pedagogical staff and, especially, among future medical students. The results of the sociological survey of students' perception of the system of internal quality assurance in the educational institution, the students’ perception of innovation in the educational process, and the students’ perception of IT incorporation in the educational environment are presented. It is concluded that the quality management of educational activities in a medical education institution on the basis of the innovative approach contributes to the introduction of innovative technologies and the improvement of content, methods, and forms of organization of educational process. Furthermore, the innovate approach creates conditions for the renewal of educational policy and competitiveness in the educational market.


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