Універсальні матриці знань як міждисциплінарне знаряддя наукового дослідження та засіб навчання студентів
information boom, universal matrixes of knowledge, interdisciplinary instruments of scientific research, genesis / creation of the world, general system theory, the universal paradigm of development, the concept of functional asymmetry of the hemispheres of human brain, pedagogical integration.Abstract
The main idea of the universal matrixes of knowledge as interdisciplinary instruments of scientific research and students' teaching means is given to overcome the information boom revealing the argent necessity to substantiate some universal knowledge basis for all sciences. This basis is built on the universal matrixes of knowledge being the realization of the phenomenon of wholeness of the Universe embodying in the fundamentality of educational content and pedagogical integration. The major four matrixes of knowledge are connected with some pedagogical, scientific and philosophical problems. 1. The problem of genesis / creation of the world: the corresponding matrix of knowledge № 1 shows the universal way of world's genesis. 2. The problem of general system theory concerning the task of reality modeling: the corresponding matrix of knowledge № 2 realizes the universal system principle of world organization. 3. The problem of the development of the world and all its phenomena is solved with the universal paradigm of development being the corresponding matrix of knowledge № 3. 4. The problem of man as a complex entity uniting the physical and spiritual aspects of the Universe is realized in the sphere of a colossal research instrument – the concept of functional asymmetry of the hemispheres of man's cerebrum being the corresponding matrix of knowledge № 4.
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