


competence, professional communication, intercultural communicative competence, foreign language communicative competence, higher education, professional competence.


The study outlines important aspects of the formation of highly qualified specialists, which helps to increase the efficiency of professional activity of the individual, such as communication, through which the transfer of a significant amount of information important for professional decision-making is conducted. It was found that the formation of intercultural communicative competence is an important component for the training of foreign students, because they live and study in a different cultural and professional space. In the analysis of scientific sources it is proved that the concept of "competence" is already quite established in psychological and pedagogical science. Most modern scientists include in this concept a number of components, namely: a set of knowledge, skills, abilities acquired by the subject in the learning process. Professional activities and communication are deeply interrelated processes.

It was found that one of the foundations of successful professional communication in an intercultural environment is not only perfect knowledge of the profession, but also sociolinguistic and sociocultural competencies, which are one of the elements of foreign language communicative competence and are formed during foreign language learning. During professional communication in the intercultural environment there is interpersonal cognition. In particular, the professional culture of a student-foreighner future specialist as a set of practical and spiritual attributes that determine the quality of his professional activity is closely related to his/her intellectual, general pedagogical and psychological, methodological and informational, theoretical, practical and cultural activities. Such education will enable the specialist to adapt to the dynamic change ofconditions, professional development, shifting profession and competitiveness in the labor market. Not only the set of knowledge and skills that the future specialist needs to master, but also obtaining the necessary basic complex of basic information and skills, the readiness for independent research and development, the introduction of new techniques and techniques, that is, the professional competence, are at the forefront.

We came to the conclusion that according to the scientist's theory, we claim that professional self-realization is an important component of the system of personal self-development, professional competence of a modern specialist, as it is a conscious activity aimed at improving their personality in accordance with professional requirements.

Author Biographies

O. S. Bilous, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD of Pedagogy), Docent

O. V. Voloshyna, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD of Philology), Docent


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