structural and functional model, modeling as a scientific method, continuous teachers preparation, inclusive education, modeling the pedagogical systems, system of interconnected elements, target block, theoretical and methodological block, organizational and technological block.Abstract
The article is dedicated to the problem of modeling the pedagogical systems and processes, especially primary school teachers' preparation to work in inclusive education conditions. On the basis of analysis of modern scientific researches of the domestic and foreign scientists, the principles, approaches and requirements to modeling as well as stages of model development were defined. Structural-functional model is considered as system of interconnected elements, such as: goal, tasks, methodological approaches, principles of education, content, forms, methods and techniques, result, and components, criteria, indicators and stages of readiness of primary school teachers to the educational activity in the environment of inclusive education. System- forming elements of the model were defined, namely stages of continuous teachers` preparation (bachelors → magisters → primary school teachers / listeners of postgraduate education courses) and the goal of education on each stage of it, for they have influence on all other components of the proposed model. The components are grouped into four blocks: target block (the goal and tasks of preparation system); theoretical and methodological block (general didactic and specific approaches, that define the essence of other elements and the principles of education), organizational and technological block (pedagogical conditions, stages of professional development and technological support on each stage of it). Characteristics of each stage contain forms, technologies and techniques of education. The selected stages of continuous preparation reflect psycho-pedagogical requirements for the gradual formation of competence and its component - inclusive competence. The last resultative block defines the main components of readiness (motivational and value component, cognitive activity component, personal reflective component, communicative component), evaluation criteria, preparation stages, and also expected result – positivee dynamic of teachers’ readiness to the work in conditions of inclusive education, ready formation of inclusive competence, ability to self-education and self-realization. Realization of the model in practice will provide systematic process, as well as give an opportunity to predict its results with taking into account the social order of the society for primary school teachers’ training to the work in inclusive education conditionsReferences
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