STEAM-oriented educational environment, educational project, project method, participants interaction model of educational process in STEAM-oriented educational environment of general education institution.Abstract
The paper features the specifics of participants interaction in STEAM-oriented educational environment of school at application of the project method. The participants interaction model of educational process within STEAM-oriented educational environment of general education institution is substantiated and offered, and the roles of participants of this environment according to their kind of activity are defined. The main stages of implementation of the educational project in the general educational institution are singled out: creation of the main content of the project, covering the topic, idea, tasks, time limits of the learning and teaching activities and the result; creating a plan for organizing and implementing the project for teachers and students; planning activities in the project for its various participants; research of the project topic; demonstration of results; reflection. The main participants of the STEAM educational project and their roles according to their activities at each stage within the participants interaction model of the educational process, which takes place in the STEAM-oriented educational environment of the general education institution, are identified, namely: the creation of the main content of the project is ensured by the activities of the teacher-leader, who offers the content, indicative plan, a deadline for each stage, main activities, tasks and the result of the project, that is, develops the Technical task, teachers offer their ideas for supplementing or adjusting the terms of reference of the project, create indicative plans for the organization and implementation of the project for teachers and students, inform students about the main details of the project, unite students ingroups, give them advice, students in groups perform the tasks of the project its main issues, explore the topic to achieve the result of the project, demonstrate the result; evaluate their work and the work of others, identify interesting solutions and the importance of results, shortcomings and problems in the activities to achieve the result of the project/ It is concluded that the success of the educational project and achieving its goal within the STEAM-oriented educational environment depends on creating conditions for the interaction of its participants, namely: clearly defined content of the project; achieving mutual understanding between its participants; compliance to ethical and psychological principles, in particular the willingness and ability to be a facilitator for teachers and students; organization of interaction with the help of tools convenient for all participants of the project, in particular, web services.References
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