IT education, digital competency, digitalization, education digitalization, general secondary education, information and communication technologies.Abstract
The article presents the results of the analysis of analytical and statistical materials of the Ukrainian mass media and relevant scientific publications on reforms in the education system, as well as the statistical material of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the State Employment Service of Ukraine and corresponding Internet resources (HeadHunter, UNESCO Database, Eurostat Educational Statistics), for it indicates the conditions of digitalization of the Ukrainian general secondary education as the primary link of the national IT education, therefore describes the issues of developing digital competency in pupils. They involve the conservatism of the Ukrainian school education, the predominance of memorization over empirical practical activity, the uneven digitization and the low results of implementing inclusive education. The article shows that the uneven digitalization of education has been caused by unequal access of urban and rural children to high-speed Internet and digital resources. The conservatism of the Ukrainian school education in determining the priorities lies in the prevalence of hard skills over soft and digital skills. The process of developing pupils’ digital competency does not take into account the peculiarities of their mental and physiological development. Besides, preference is given to the memorization of information, rather than to empirical practical activities. One can observe the slow introduction of "the new literacy studies" requirements into the educational process of modern schools. Consequently, it expands the horizons for the classical school triad of basic primary school skills (reading, writing, numeracy) and motivates pupils towards self-development and self-improvement. Teachers find it difficult to combine the latest teaching aids with traditional ones rationally. Modern schools are not always ready to use a wide range of information and communication technologies’ opportunities for the full implementation of inclusive education. The use of distance learning technologies in general secondary schools is somewhat sporadic. The level of many teachers’ digital literacy and cultureis rather insufficient. The moral challenges of the global digital society call into question the system of traditional human values, moral and ethical norms. The reforms in the national schooling have been attempting to eliminate the above-mentioned issues.References
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