geography teacher, local history approach, geographic local history approach, local history competence, excursion.Abstract
The problems of formation of national consciousness and patriotism in future citizens occupy a prominent place in the conditions of reforming modern pedagogical education, which presupposes local history studies (LHS) mastering and cultural training of future teachers, in particular teachers of geography. The importance of this issue has been discussed for quite some time. Thus, at the beginning of 2000 in such legal state documents as the Decree of the President of Ukraine (2001) "On measures to support the local history studies movement in Ukraine", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers (№ 789; 10.06.2002) "On approval of the Local History Studies Development Program for 2010 it was stated that "local history remains an underdeveloped branch of science, as evidenced by the lack of general theoretical development and terminology in this area" [15].
The importance of local history knowledge of a geography teacher is recognized and maintained at the state level and is reflected in the legal program documents of his/her training. Thus, among the special competencies (SC) in the educational and professional training program for future teachers of geography is the one that is manifested as "the ability to implement local history approach during geography lessons, extracurricular and out-of-school activities"; moreover, among the program results "the ability to form environmental values and responsible attitude to nature takes a prominent place, as well as the designation of respect for culturalvalues and traditions of the local population during local history tours and tourist trips, in- and out of the classroom hours".
Such attention to LHS of geography teachers is due to changes in the methodological system of local history research at school, the constant expansion of the scope of local lore information, the popularization of tourism in education, etc. [14]. Therefore, the teacher has ceased to be the main source of information, and his/her main burden falls on the organization of the educational process, the ability to interact with students, communicate and manage their cognitive activities during the lesson and outside the classroom becomes one of the most important professional qualities.
However, the problems of implementing the local history studies approach (LHSA) in the educational and extracurricular activities of students in the process of training of future teachers of geography arises, which also includes insufficient awareness of the local history related activities, and presence of gaps in knowledge of methods of processing collected empiric materials, etc. [5; 6].
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