conditions, pedagogical conditions, professional competence, bachelors in construction and civil engineering, objective and subjective pedagogical conditions, modernization of professional education, formation of motivation of future specialists, teaching methods and technologies, content of professAbstract
The article is devoted to the coverage of priority basic pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional and vocational competencies of future bachelors of construction and civil engineering. The requirements for a modern specialist focused on the current labor market, scientific and technological progress, innovation and international cooperation are highlighted. The modern specialist must be ready for new challenges, be able to adapt quickly to scientific and technological progress and have innovative technologies in his/her professional activity. The article analyzes the pedagogical, psychological and philosophical literature and reveals the meaning of the concept "condition" and "pedagogical conditions". The term "conditions" is interpreted as certain circumstances, condition or environment, and "pedagogical conditions" – as circumstances, as components of the pedagogical system: content, methods, forms, tools, technologies that ensure the successful achievement of the goal and effectiveness of the educational process. The vision of leading teachers on pedagogical conditions in the field of vocational education is highlighted. The basic pedagogical conditions such as: formation of motivation, introduction of effective methods and technologies of training, integrative approach to formation of the maintenance of professional and professionally-oriented disciplines, modernization of educational process are singled out. The article offers its own vision of the basic pedagogical conditions for the training of future bachelors of construction and civil engineering and highlights the priorities. Taking into account such pedagogical conditions as motivation, providing professional competence through the content of professionally-oriented and fundamental disciplines, application of innovative pedagogical teaching technologies, introduction of effective methods, techniques and innovations in the educational process is the basis of fundamental professional training of future competitive specialists.References
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