innovative forms and methods, training a future teacher, pedagogical condition, primary school children, subject "Fundamentals of Environmental Studies", pedagogical practice, educational (field) practice, special seminar.Abstract
The pedagogical condition of training a future primary school teacher for the formation of environmental culture that is the use of appropriate traditional and innovative forms and methods in the direction of actualization of needs of children in nature protection activities is characterized. The implementation of this condition is based on the cooperation of lecturers and students of higher educational institutions and was carried out in classroom and during extracurricular activities. Updated curricula on the subjects "Fundamentals of Environmental Studies", "Methods of Teaching Subjects of the Integrated Course "I Explore the World" are provided.
The program of pedagogical practice for students of higher educational establishments (3rd year, Specialty 013 Primary Education) with environmental content is updated – the purpose and objectives for each lesson for studying topics related to nature protection and environmental management issues are formulated: definition of teaching methods for nature protection and environmental management taking into account psychological and individual characteristics of children, self-analysis of the lesson on the integrated course "I Explore the World", analysis of a lesson taking into account the solution of pedagogic and educational tasks set before the lesson. The directions of educational (field) practice are specified: study and assessment of the state of nature of the native land; nature protection; topics and content of ecological excursions as a leading organizational form of educational (field) practice are diversified.
The developments of the special seminar "Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations of Environmental Education of Primary School Children" are provided. The seminar consisted of three parts: 1) the first part "Nature as a Universal Value" revealed the global problems of the planet, the essence of environmental culture of a teacher; 2) in the second part – "Psychological Bases of Environmental Education of Primary School Children" psychological methods offormation of environmental consciousness and behaviour were studied; 3) the third part is devoted to the pedagogical foundations of environmental education of primary school children.
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