


scientific research, scientific-pedagogical research, methods of scientific-pedagogical research, students’ research, content analysis of pedagogical concepts, quantitative and qualitative analysis, stages of the content analysis procedure


The article presents the possibilities of applying the method of content analysis in pedagogical research carried out by future teachers. The authors emphasize the importance of preparing future teachers of geography for the organization and implementation of scientific and pedagogical research in professional activities. It is noted that research activities of students are a natural continuation and deepening of the educational process by studying specific topics and problems using a system of methods of pedagogical research, which contributes to the development of scientific and pedagogical thinking, the need for intellectual development, self-development and self-education.

It is stated that content analysis is an important tool of scientific research, which provides a step-by-step procedure for studying the basic category (concept, pedagogical phenomenon) in the system of psychological and pedagogical sciences. The essence of this method is to consistently and systematically record the units of the studied content (certain meaningful concepts), identify the frequency of their use, as well as to trace the relationship with the content of the entire document and group them for different purposes within a conceptual scheme or theory, in particular to study their specifics.

The step-by-step procedure of content analysis in the process of studying the essence of pedagogical concepts is determined. Different approaches to the application of content analysis are presented on the example of such categories as "talent", "strategic competence", "practice-oriented learning". The prospects and capabilities of the method under study in the field of construction of definitions of the analyzed concepts are illustrated.

It is concluded that content analysis in pedagogical research is an up-to-date and relevant method, which provides a powerful toolset for working with the conceptual apparatus of pedagogy, and contributes to the development of theoretical thinking of future teachers.


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