computer addiction, Internet addiction, prevention system, teenagers, health, social networks, game addiction, ICTsAbstract
The article is devoted to the research and analysis of the characteristics of the impact and prevalence of computer addiction among teenagers. The main causes and preconditions for computer addiction are clarified; indicators that state the occurance and presence of computer addiction among adolescents, which are distinguished in clinical, psychological and socio-psychological aspects are singled out and reviwed. Based on the experimental data, the following criteria of computer addiction are proposed: dominance, tolerance, compulsiveness, "withdrawal" syndrome, social maladaptation. The results of a sociological study on this issue are presented and interpreted. The main factors of computer addiction in adolescence are identified as follows: psychological, socio-psychological, social. Ways to overcome computer addiction and prevent its occurrence, as well as methods of rational approach to working with computers in the educational environment are outlined. It was found that computer addiction among teenagers is characterized by the replacement of real life with virtual, when there is an underestimation and ignoring of other areas of social life. The psychological and physical symptoms of Internet addiction are considered, including the major indicators that can be observed and verified by educators, psychologists, parents in order to diagnose computer addiction among teenagers, as well as to determine ways to prevent and correct it.
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