competencies, competences, readiness formation, professional training, innovations, innovative activity, innovative investment activityAbstract
The article highlighted the problems of professional training of tourism managers and their acquisition of relevant competencies during the studies at a higher education institution.
In the current conditions of rapidly changing circumstances and the rapidly developing world, it’s worth paying attention to the training of future managers of tourism, in particular the formation of their relevant competencies that can ensure successful activity in the modern tourism industry.
The opinions of scientists engaged in research and study of the concept of "competence" and "competency" are analyzed, certain competencies and competences for specialists in the field of tourism are considered. The importance of supplementing competencies with an innovative component for further training of future tourism managers is determined.
The innovation and investment component is characterized as the presence of special training in the field of Internet marketing and management theory – the ability to apply economic methods and models to optimize innovative solutions.
Innovative training is primarily a competence in the direction of innovative development of the enterprise, firm, institution, organization, which involves knowledge of the creation and implementation of innovation processes, theoretical and practical aspects of innovation, and their impact on enterprise development at different levels.
The main competencies have been supplemented with innovative components for the successful preparation of the future manager for innovation and investment activities in tourism which includes competence in the field of innovative specialization of the enterprise, which provides knowledge of technology of innovation processes, psychological and pedagogical training to understand the specifics of teams and groups, solving various problems in production and service teams.
The main competencies for the manager of the tourism expert who will carry out innovative activity are defined: moral and psychological competence, pedagogical competence, professional and business competence. Also, the pedagogical conditions of preparation of the future manager for acquisition of the corresponding competences are accordingly considered.
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