pre-school children, development through art, spheres of functioning, social experience, family environmentAbstract
The preschool period is perhaps the most critical period in the life of a young child. It is here that major changes occur in physical, mental, social, and emotional development, which have a huge impact on the personality and appearance of a person in later periods of development and in adult life. The child becomes a conscious member of society, learns its rules and norms, and defines its position among its people. It is at this time that basic habits and ways of behavior, basic needs are formed. It is a period of acquiring social experience. It is therefore of key importance in the development of the character and personality of a young person. Acquired skills and knowledge have a significant impact on the functioning of the child in later periods - on its performance in school, relationships with the environment, and perception of itself. The child also adopts moral principles from the immediate family environment, and the social environment can only develop and reinforce what has been prepared by the family. Suppose. Therefore, parents and educators provide conditions conducive to forming a sense of security in the child during this period of life. If they do not make the child excessively dependent on themselves, they will certainly contribute to the development of a wonderful personality of the child and provide him/her with a good start in school.
The article discusses ways of stimulating the development of preschool children through music, art, and literature, noting that these are educational means of holistic child development. They can be used both in work with a sick child or a child with disabilities and in work with healthy children, in whom teachers want to develop and improve their skills in all spheres of functioning, that is emotional, intellectual, and social.
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