vocational operation, educational model, German experience, job orientation, labour shortageAbstract
The changes in the labour market which have taken place in recent years mean that there is a need to educate young people in deficit occupations and fields of study. The increased interest in general education has resulted in a shortage of skilled workers in the EU labour markets, which small, medium, and large enterprises face. This problem is particularly evident in countries with a low level of links between vocational training and business. Countries with an education system based on cooperation with business are in a better situation, which does not mean a need to increase interest in vocational training. Based on literature research and own experience, the article presents the German model of dual vocational education, which can be used to promote vocational education. The authors presented the system and structure of education in Germany and analysed the dual education model against this structure. They showed the advantages of this system and analysed the threats related to the decreasing number of trainees.
Despite the system, many initiatives related to vocational orientation are implemented in Germany. They aim at orienting young people to vocational training by getting to know the specifics of a profession already at an early age in primary school. This article describes empirical experiences from visits to the BVTU (Bildungsverbund Thüringer Unternehmen e.v.) in Thuringia of an association of training companies involved in the BERUFSSTART plus project on early career choice. An analysis of the rolled-out project, its objectives and effects were made. The described activities can be regarded as good practices, adapted and used in other countries. It was pointed out that activities related to career orientation should be an essential part of all stakeholders' activities to ensure a sufficient number of employees with high professional qualifications for the labour market.
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