scientific article, professional training, methods of writing a scientific article, stages of writing an academic articlestages of writing an academic articleAbstract
Nowadays the urgent problem of education is the training of high-level specialists. To solve this problem, modern HEIs not only implement an educational program in a particular field of knowledge and specialty, but also offer students to engage in scientific research.
Research activity is characterized as a type of intellectual activity aimed at developing the creative potential of the learner. It is an opportunity for self-development and self-realization in professional activities. As a rule, one of the main results of a researcher's scientific work is a qualifying thesis. Still, intermediate or final results can be presented in the form of scientific articles published in professional journals.
Provided that the institutions of higher education train highly qualified pedagogical specialists, the methodology of preparation and writing of scientific articles has its own specifics. It has to meet all the requirements for research articles at the legislative level.
The stages of writing an academic article are well-known, but, depending on the issue of the scientific research, it can be pedagogical or professional direction. In the case when the article is pedagogical, the main emphasis is on the peculiarities of integration into the educational process of the latest technologies and methods. If the article has a proessional focus, it provides a description of the results of the implementation of a particular educational methodology or technology during its study in a particular discipline.
The results of researche can be accumulated and considered in various aspects and presented in the form of scientific articles. This knowledge will allow the future teachers not only to obtain the appropriate level of education while studying at the institute, but also will create the basis for acquiring scientific knowledge and self-realization in further scientific work.
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