


education, innovative competence, future specialists of social work, institution of professional higher education, interactive teaching methods


The article, based on the analysis of scientific sources and own research, considers the problem of formation of innovative competence of future social workers through interactive teaching methods. The results of the study of the solution of this problem in the training of future specialists in social work in institutions of professional higher education are presented. It is established that in these institutions the peculiarity of the training of these specialists is their focus on providing advisory and consultative assistance to individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations in case of difficult life circumstances. They help clients develop the necessary skills, as well as provide access to appropriate resources and support services needed to respond to social and personal issues. Accordingly, there is a need to form the innovative competence of social work professionals as an integral part of their professional competence. It covers the ability to develop, master and implement innovations in the practice of professional activities, based on relevant knowledge and skills, through the formation of the necessary qualities, abilities and experience. It is proved that productive methods of formation of innovative competence of future specialists in social work are interactive, which are based on active interaction of participants in the educational process.

The analysis of the research results showed the need for the formation of innovative competence of future specialists in social work through interactive teaching methods. We believe that this will contribute to the process of personal and professional self-actualization of future professionals and the development of their ability to solve new professional problems.

The essence and features of effective interactive methods of formation of innovative competence in future specialists in social work are determined: fishball, storytelling, openwork saw, method of projects and training tools. A comparative analysis of these methods in order to determine their effectiveness in the context of the formation of innovative competence of future professionals in social work. It is proved that the use of training tools for the formation of this competence will help improve the ability of the individual to solve complex problems within the specialty of a specialist in social work.


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