adaptive web-environment, educational space, depressed region, supporting educational institutionsAbstract
The article defines the terms "web-environment", "adaptive web-environment", "educational space", "depressed region".
It is noted that the study is based on the ideas of three approaches - systemic, environmental and resource-managerial. The systemic approach is represented by the components of the educational environment – the scientific and material base, the subject-based activities, which take place in the adaptive educational web-environment. The resource-managerial approach balances the interests, abilities and capabilities of the participants of the educational process with the requirements of society in accordance with 21CS. The implementation of tasks is conditioned by the use of the environmental approach, which combines, complements and concretizes our chosen approaches.
The following stages are allocated for the project implementation: development and creation of an adaptive web-environment; introduction of an adaptive web-environment into the educational process.
Forms of work include the following: e-learning (synchronous and asynchronous), blended / hybrid learning, including inverted classroom, gamification, block-module learning, integrated learning, educational partnership, educational mousses (involvement of an unlimited number of educators, participation of EI in programs / courses); online network "Creative Spark" (involvement of gifted youth), brain club "Go Create" (regional cooperation in the educational web environment in the field of the latest digital technologies), online consultations, master classes.
The following methods are proposed: teleconference, project, digital technologies, public presentations of ideas in the context of "Lesson with built-in diagnostics", "Lesson in a specialized school", "STEAM lesson", "STEM lesson".
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