professional training, future biologists, teachers of Natural Sciences, digital competence of educators, m-learning, QR-codeAbstract
The article emphasizes the significance of the information and digital competence of teachers, which includes the ability to navigate in the information and digital space, the search and critical analysis of information, the use of educational electronic resources and creation of new ones, the use of digital technologies in the educational process. It notes that Digital Competence of Educators the European framework identifies six main areas of application: professional involvement; digital resources; teaching and learning; evaluation; promoting students' digital competence.
The article reveals the importance of the m-learning implementation. It is the use of mobile technology in the educational process, the use of a wide range of digital portable mobile devices and applications. The best pedagogical experience in the implementation of mobile learning on the example of the use of QR codes is summarized. The main resources for creating and reading QR codes, examples of their use in educational activities are highlighted.
Our own experience of using QR codes in the professional training of future biologists and teachers of natural sciences has been revealed. In particular, it is used in the Museum of Nature of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University to expand the museum's capabilities, the application of its exposition for educational excursions, independent work of students, to organize quests and educational games and more. The stages of projects using QR codes are described: the digital guide "Dendrological Secrets of Chaudoir Park" (the mayor grant for gifted youth) and "Digital Dendrological Guide of Zhytomyr" (the project of social action "Strengthening Intersectoral Cooperation for Social Cohesion", co-financed by the European Union and the British Council in Ukraine). Their implementation contributes to the creation of information space for Biology lessons, open-air Ecology, classes of ecological and naturalistic circles, botanical, biogeographical, ecological excursions, development of hiking tourism, etc.
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