education, education system, reform, university, policy, futurological explanation, UkraineAbstract
The article considers the peculiarities of futurological explications of the new educational policy in Ukraine. It also shows the existing contradictions in the development of the state education policy of Ukraine and the importance for transitive societies of its formation on a democratic basis, actualizing the development and implementation of the policy of reforming the national education system. At the same time, the peculiarities of the formation and development of the Soviet and European education system are analyzed. Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages. The article notes that educational policy should move away from monosubjectivity and become polysubjective. To do this, it should be based on state, as well as on public, social mechanisms of activity regulation, make and keep a favorable environment for the existence and functioning of other opportunities, which is a necessary condition for the establishment of free educational interaction and the understanding of education as a practice of freedom. The article illustrates the main provisions of the Ukrainian educational policy based on the Ukrainian national idea. These provisions provide for the following: education policy of Ukraine should be based on the recognition of the fact of the birth of individuality, as well as be based on the principle of "do no harm"; an individual approach to pupils and students requires certain changes in the organization of the system; relevance of the language issue in education; it is necessary to establish independent public control over the quality of educational services provided and their compliance with modern world standards; it is necessary to go away from the trendy of the received diploma, and it is also necessary to strive for constant professional growth of all categories of the population: from teachers to motorists. The article illustrates the main provisions of the Ukrainian educational policy based on the Ukrainian national idea. These provisions provide for the following: Ukrainian educational policy should be based on the recognition of the fact of the birth of individuality, as well as be based on the principle of "do no harm"; an individual approach to pupils and students requires certain changes in the organization of the system; relevance of the language issue in education; it is necessary to establish free public control over the quality of educational services provided and their compliance with modern world standards; it is necessary to go away from the cult of the received diploma, and it is also necessary to strive for constant professional growth of all categories of the population: from teachers to motorists. And this growth should be accompanied by diplomas obtained, and from educational institutions of authority not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Besides, this growth should be accompanied by diplomas obtained, and from educational institutions of authority not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.
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