In the process of educating modern schoolchildren, martial arts classes become important, namely judo classes, which can be used to develop not only physical qualities and abilities, but also moral and volitional characteristics, the development of which significantly affects the formation of a personality. The article considers the results of experimental work on the implementation of the technology of moral and volitional education of high school students who practice judo. The technology of moral and volitional upbringing of children by means of judo included three stages: value-oriented; development and harmonization; improvement and generalization of moral and volitional qualities. At all stages, the emphasis of the predominant action shifted to the structural components of the moral and volitional sphere: cognitive, emotional, volitional, motivational, and behavioral. The purpose and objectives of the above-mentioned stages determined the specifics of sports activities, the role and position of the coach-tutor, forms, and methods of education, as well as features of pedagogical interaction with parents and school, aimed at improving the moral and volitional education of young judokas. Thus, the need for pedagogical justification of teaching judo to students determines the relevance of our study, which identified pedagogical conditions, as well as identified the core elements of the technology of moral and volitional education of students by judo, which became the novelty of the research. The following research methods were used to solve the problems: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological sources on the peculiarities of the development of moral and volitional qualities; pedagogical observation.
It is established that the most important sources of moral and volitional formation of student youth at the initial stage of classes are the study of history, jute etiquette. Collective development of etiquette leads to group self-regulation. Students willingly participate in the process of self-control and control of group behavior.
For an objective assessment of the moral and volitional upbringing of students also developed criteria and indicators determined by the purpose of the formation of the moral and volitional sphere of the student's personality. Improvement of moral and volitional qualities and experience of moral and volitional behavior was carried out.
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