


educational environment, education, quality of education, applicants for education, educational space, internal system of quality assurance of education, monitoring


The article presents the results of a monitoring study on the impact of the educational environment of a medical education institution on the level of educational achievements and the quality of the formation of comprehensive competencies in applicants for education. The indicators of the success of applicants for education with incomplete secondary general education, who obtained corresponding qualification in the specialty 223 "Nursing" according to the educational and professional programs "Nursing" and " Medical Care " of the junior bachelor educational degree are considered. A comparative analysis of the level of educational achievements of applicants in a comprehensive institution, during the entrance exam and after the completion of the first semester of study at a professional medical college in the disciplines "Biology" and "Ukrainian language" was carried out. In the process of conducting practical classes in the "biology" and "Ukrainian language" disciplines, educators of a professional medical college used innovative methods and means of training. Significant (medical business: biology – 46.7%, Ukrainian language – 48.9%, respectively nursing: 23% and 45.9%) improvement in the level of educational achievements among applicants for education according to the results of semester assessment in general education disciplines, compared with the indicators in the certificate of basic general secondary education. Qualitative indicators and average score educational success of educational applicants is analyzed, and positive dynamics is established, which is expressed by a significant increase in these indicators (medicine: biology – 37.8%, Ukrainian language – 48.8%, respectively nursing: 22.9% and 45.8%, relative to the average score of its increase ranges from 0.2 to 0.5) from both educational components in each of the studied educational and professional programs. It is emphasized that in the institution of professional pre-higher education, the educational process is based directly on the formation of professional clinical thinking and the possibility of forming general and special competencies in applicants. After all, educational and professional programs, according to which applicants study, provide for the implementation of the educational process on the basis of systematic, professionally oriented, competent, student-centered approaches. In addition, it is proved that the educational environment as a system of safe learning conditions, comfortable interpersonal interaction, availability of resources for compliance with the rights and norms of physical, psychological, informational and social security of each participant in the educational process, and teaching methods and tools used by teachers during the organization of the educational process has a significant impact on the process of formation of general educational competencies of students in a professional medical college.


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