competences, program learning outcomes, Bachelor of Technology of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, biological and clinical chemistry, glucose tolerance test, structure of practical training, pedagogical conditions, methods and means of training, control, and evaluationAbstract
The article defines the method of formation of special competences of bachelors in the technology of medical diagnostics and treatment during the "Biological and clinical chemistry" discipline classes on the example of a practical session on the topic "Conducting a glucose tolerance test". The list of acquired competencies, which are formed during the practical session, has been established. Based on B. Bloom's taxonomy, the target and evaluation aspects of the program learning outcome "Perform quantitative and qualitative biochemical research, interpret the results" at the levels of cognitive, emotional (affective) and psychomotor spheres of the acquirers' personality are singled out. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of their competences have been established, namely: the possibility of access of students to the necessary resources of a student-centered educational environment and consideration of interdisciplinary connections. It is proved that among all the general didactic principles on which the formation of competences of students in practical training is based, the principle of connection between training and practice is the most important. Priority methods and means of competence formation have been selected.
The structure of the practical lesson is determined on the basis of competence by stages: preparatory (motivation of the educational activity of the students, checking the input level of knowledge), basic (studying the features of the structural and logical scheme and the algorithm for conducting the glucose tolerance test, introducing knowledge into the practice of performing this biochemical research), final (control and assessment of the level of mastery of the program learning outcomes by the students using testing methods, solving professionally-oriented situational problems, substantiating reports on the conducted research, conducting self-analysis of the students’ activities, observing the manifestations of various spheres of their personality based on the methods of control and evaluation – maps and rating scales).
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