career competence, formation of career competence, model, manager of education, professional activity, structural componentsAbstract
The article highlights one of the aspects of the systemic psychological and pedagogical problem related to the formation of career competence of future managers in the field of education. The expediency of using pedagogical modeling as a method is substantiated. As a result of the analysis of scientific works, generalization of pedagogical experience the structural and functional model of formation of career competence of future managers of education is offered. The designed model is detailed by consistently defined structural components: target, content, technological and diagnostic blocks.The target component reflects the goal to which all the constituent elements of the model are subordinated, and which is realized through a set of defined tasks. The content block of the model reveals the component composition of career competence and includes the content of future managers’ professional training in the field of education. The technological unit reflects a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the model. The content of the stages of career competence formation in the conditions of master's preparation and their didactic support is also revealed. The diagnostic block is aimed at determining the state of formation of career competence (criteria, indicators, levels), gives an idea of the mechanism of implementation of the developed model by comparing the results that were got with the predicted ones.In the course of the research the author came to the conclusion that the developed structural-functional model will allow to ensure the continuity of the educational process in the formation of career competence and will help to prepare a highly qualified manager in the field of education. It is of great practical importance that the results of pedagogical research can be used in the process of professional training in the field of education, adaptation, training of pedagogical staff of educational institutions; while writing textbooks, training manuals, master's and diploma theses.
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