teacher's professional standard, education standard, qualification , future teacher of informatics, professional competences of the informatics teacher, educational and professional programAbstract
The regulatory and legislative documents outlining the procedures for the standardization of teacher professional training in higher education institutions were analyzed. Professional standard for the professions "Teacher of elementary classes of a general secondary education institution", "Teacher of a general secondary education institution", "Teacher of primary education" were considered; standard of professional preliminary education in the specialty 014.09 Secondary education (by subject specialties) of the field of knowledge 01 Education/Pedagogy of the educational and professional degree "professional junior bachelor" were analyzed; state standard of basic secondary education was reviewed. It was concluded that the identification of the standard with the parameters accepted as the state norm of the education determines the structure and content structure of the educational process, as well as the volume of the educational load, the level of professional training of the student and the qualification they obtained. Attention is drawn to the cooperation of employers and educational institutions as equal partners, who are endowed with the same degree of trust in the student of education, as an individual and as a future specialist. The value of the teacher's professional standard is revealed due to the general, special, subject competencies defined in it and the professional one highlighted in the list of special competencies, the content of which is determined by the subject field, job duties and functions of the specialist. The content of the teacher's professional competence is described through the typical professional tasks he solves. To achieve the goals of the research, the list of abilities and knowledge of the computer science on the basis of the professional standard of education, the standard of professional preliminary education, the standard of basic secondary education was composed. The lack of updated standards at the bachelor's and master's levels of specialty 014.09 Secondary education (CS) is outlined as an urgent problem. It was concluded that the procedures of standardization of education are complex, accordingly, the development of standards (by subject specializations) is ambiguous. The system-forming normative-legislative document is called the professional standard, which contains requirements for knowledge, skills, professionally significant qualities, and competences of a specialist and is the basis for the development and implementation of a number of other documents, in particular, education standards, on the basis of which, in turn, educational and professional programs are developed.
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